Avoiding Confusion During Reviews
Reviews are a key part of developing any eLearning. In my experience, they’re also one of the steps that cause the most confusion and delays. Whether you’re working with an outside vendor or someone within [...]
Reviews are a key part of developing any eLearning. In my experience, they’re also one of the steps that cause the most confusion and delays. Whether you’re working with an outside vendor or someone within [...]
Many courses rely upon voiceover to help connect with their learners. This is a solid approach and, when used well, can make for great learning experiences. But what I have found is that the narrated [...]
You’ve probably heard some of the things people say about online training: “The courses are a lot easier than ‘regular’ courses, so you don’t learn as much.” “You lose that ‘personal’ connection that you get [...]
Go Mobile According to Statista.com, “As of 2013, worldwide mobile phone internet user penetration was 73.4%. In 2017, figures suggest that more than 90% of internet users will access online content through their phones.” While [...]
It was a bright and glowing computer screen. The reviewer stared at it with wide eyes, frozen in terror. The association had asked for something creative, but this… Cold sweat formed on the reviewer’s brow [...]
"What is a marcom strategy and why do I need one for continuing education?" you might ask yourself. Sounds like a buzz word right? Marcom or marketing communications, is the branch of marketing that decides [...]
For associations, conferences represent a major source of potential revenue. To best realize that revenue, your conference not only has to attract attendees but also retain them year after year. In the simplest terms, you [...]
I worked on a particular course that had it all: pre-work, an individual practice activity, and then a live event assignment that drew on the earlier pieces. The learners demonstrated the skills they were supposed [...]
I heard a quote the other day that really got me thinking. “A three year old is not half a six year old.” The thought being that, on average, at six years old a person [...]
You read the title correctly. This post is dedicated to pet peeves, worst practices, and other abominations that terrorize an eLearning course. What follows is a combination of things that give Digitec-ies nightmares and headaches. [...]