Instructional Design Survival Tips
A while back, my colleague Mary and I were asked to give some “real world” instructional design survival tips. It’s a nifty little list, so I thought I’d share it with you. Mary’s tips [...]
A while back, my colleague Mary and I were asked to give some “real world” instructional design survival tips. It’s a nifty little list, so I thought I’d share it with you. Mary’s tips [...]
Recently, an instructional designer friend of mine asked me, “Should Marketing review eLearning courses and approve them before they are released?” I responded with a, “Yes, but…” There are legitimate reasons Marketing needs to see [...]
The first time I worked with a storyboard template it was numbered 100, 200, 300, and so on. I did what I thought was the helpful thing and renumbered the storyboards to 1, 2, 3, [...]
It’s the season finale of your favorite show. You’re glued to the chair as everything falls apart. Your favorite character is in mortal peril and then the screen is suddenly black. No, not a cliffhanger! [...]
The learning and development (L&D) world seems to be confused by, if not outright afraid of, millennials. Curious about the ruckus, I did some research. And admittedly, as a millennial, I was curious to see [...]
I worked on a particular course that had it all: pre-work, an individual practice activity, and then a live event assignment that drew on the earlier pieces. The learners demonstrated the skills they were supposed [...]
I had a bad user experience (UX) at a dollar store a while back. I’m not talking about customer service, but actual UX design. I swiped my card into the card reader to pay. A [...]
In this hectic world of on-the-spot access to information, conversations held in 140 characters or less, and instant picture uploads, Instructional Designers are faced with the challenge of designing effective learning that won’t overload learners. [...]
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) may be from Mars, and Instructional Designers may be from Venus … but at the end of the day, your members are the actual center of the universe! The working relationship [...]