Previously we dug into the alphabet soup of eLearning terms and acronyms. But you weren’t full. You asked for seconds. So, here are some of the additional terms you wanted defined.
ADDIE– The ADDIE model is a process used by instructional designers and training developers offering guidelines for creating effective training. This model is broken up into 5 phases: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation.
In the first phase, analysis, the problem is defined, the learning goals are established, and the learners’ preexisting skills are identified.
“The design phase deals with learning objectives, assessment instruments, exercises, content, subject matter analysis, lesson planning and media selection.” Essentially this is the strategy phase. In the design phase, graphics are chosen, storyboards are created, the delivery method is decided, and the whole process is outlined.
The development phase is where the course is actually created from the storyboards and media assembled in the design phase. The course is then tested and debugged if necessary, reviewed, and revised.
The implementation phase is where learners begin taking the training.
The evaluation phase is just that, evaluating the course, the learning objectives, whether those objectives are being met or whether the course needs additional revisions and additions for greater clarity.
Agile- Agile is the counter method to sequential processes like ADDIE. Instead of working in steps, courses are created in sprints allowing all parties to assess the direction of a project throughout development. Sprints allow for constant evaluation throughout the process making sure the course always stays on track or is modified before an entire course is created, reducing development costs.
Course-A course is made of one or more modules put together to form one cohesive unit to teach a person about a topic. At the end of a course one may be asked to take a survey or may be granted a certificate of completion proving one has completed every module within the whole course.
Gamification-“Gamification is primarily used to motivate learners. It is usually applied to content or training that already exists.
In essence, gamification is at work whenever an incentive is offered to encourage someone to do something they are already supposed to be doing. This could be an award or recognition, a special privilege, an increase in ranking, a prize, or a badge among other things. It’s like offering allowance money for the chores that haven’t been getting done. They’re the same old chores, but that added promise of reward makes people more willing to do them. Sales incentive programs, credit card rewards, and the badges used in scouting organizations are also good examples.”
Instructional Designer (ID)-An instructional designer is one who “creates instructional experiences which make the acquisition of knowledge and skill more efficient, effective, and appealing. The process consists broadly of determining the state and needs of the learner, defining the end goal of instruction, and creating some ‘intervention’ to assist in the transition.”
Kaizen–Kaizen, or the Kaizen method, is a Japanese management philosophy focused on continuous incremental improvements throughout all levels of the organization. “A typical Kaizen event goes something like this:
- Set goals and provide any necessary background.
- Review the current state and develop a plan for improvements.
- Implement improvements.
- Review and fix what doesn’t work.
- Report results and determine any follow-up items.
This type of cycle is frequently referred to as PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, and Act). PDCA brings a scientific approach to making improvements:
- Plan (develop a hypothesis)
- Do (run experiment)
- Check (evaluate results)
- Act (refine your experiment; then start a new cycle)”
Module-A module is a section of a course, similar to a chapter in a textbook.
SAM-The Successive Approximation Model, or SAM, is a specific Agile method that begins with a quick preparation phase or brainstorming session. The development then goes through cycles of design, prototype, and review as needed. This allows for analysis and feedback regularly rather than waiting for the whole course to be complete.
SME-Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) provide the content that makes a course informative. Your SME knows what learners need to know to be experts.
Train-the Trainer- Courses, workshops, and mentoring often go into training the trainer. The goal of this is to turn new instructors and trainers into better, more confident instructors and trainers. Train-the-trainer lessons typically prepare instructors to present information effectively, respond to participant questions and lead activities that reinforce learning. They also direct their learners to supplementary resources and reference materials. Instructors learn to lead discussions, listen effectively, make accurate observations and help participants link training to their jobs.
Had enough alphabet soup? If not tell us what terms you’d like defined in the comments below.
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