Pokémon and Gamified Learning
I recently had a conversation about something I hadn’t thought about for a long time. Pokémon. And it dawned upon me that the franchise is a surprisingly good metaphor for gamified learning. For those who [...]
I recently had a conversation about something I hadn’t thought about for a long time. Pokémon. And it dawned upon me that the franchise is a surprisingly good metaphor for gamified learning. For those who [...]
Have you ever given up on a web site because you couldn’t find what you needed? Lots of things are said to be about location, location, location. The arrangement of content on a screen is [...]
We get songs stuck in our heads all the time. They’re powerful things, as advertisers know well. But have you ever considered using them as part of an eLearning program? Just about anything can be [...]
“Can someone explain this question to me? I don’t know what it’s asking.” “How am I supposed to know the answer to this? It wasn’t in the lesson.” When it comes to writing good assessment [...]
Think of your brain as a refrigerator. You put information in it to preserve and use later. When you need that information again you remember it, “taking it out of the fridge” so to speak. [...]
Reviews are a key part of developing any eLearning. In my experience, they’re also one of the steps that cause the most confusion and delays. Whether you’re working with an outside vendor or someone within [...]
I worked on a particular course that had it all: pre-work, an individual practice activity, and then a live event assignment that drew on the earlier pieces. The learners demonstrated the skills they were supposed [...]
You read the title correctly. This post is dedicated to pet peeves, worst practices, and other abominations that terrorize an eLearning course. What follows is a combination of things that give Digitec-ies nightmares and headaches. [...]
Interactive Immersive Innovative/ Creative/ Different Effective Fun All of the above These words get thrown around a lot. Frankly, it troubles me when they’re used incorrectly because it leads to misunderstandings. It’s important to realize [...]
“It was too much all at once. I was overwhelmed.” That’s not something you want to see in the feedback for your association’s eLearning. Luckily, there are ways to make eLearning more digestible, regardless of [...]