With less than 2 weeks remaining until the year’s most highly anticipated gathering of association and nonprofit professionals, Digitec Interactive has some exciting news! We’ll be unveiling our newest version of the Knowledge Direct Learning Management System, Knowledge Direct 7 Beta, at the ASAE Annual Meeting & Exposition.
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For the last 3 years we’ve been vetting technology, surveying the analysts, and asking the learning community, “How can we transform learning? What does the future of online member education look like to you?”
We’d like to show you what the future of learning looks like to us, based on the feedback we’ve received from you. Using mobile-first design and offering WCAG 2.0 compliance, social learning, and scalability, we’ve completely redesigned the LMS, creating a platform that offers transformative learning experiences for Everyone – Anywhere, Anytime.
We invite you to stop by our booth for a demo and share your thoughts on the future of learning via Twitter using the hashtags: #thefutureoflearning and #asae2015. We will be monitoring your comments and feedback for continued enhancements and additions to Knowledge Direct 7.
In addition, Digitec is offering an exciting giveaway for ASAE Annual Meeting & Exposition attendees. One lucky winner will receive an iPad mini! To enter, attendees must visit the Digitec Interactive team in booth #508 and obtain an official “digitec-ie” ribbon to be worn on their conference badge. The winner will be selected at random and an announcement will be made on the final day of the expo in the Digitec Interactive booth.
This year’s conference will take place at the Cobo Center in Detroit, MI, August 8-11 and is expected to be the largest Annual Meeting on record, with more than 5,000 ASAE members in attendance.
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Learn more about the conference and register to attend by visiting the official ASAE Annual Meeting & Exposition 2015 website.
Visit our LMS page to learn more about the Knowledge Direct Learning Management System.
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