Introduction|Hazardous Waste Identification|Hazardous Waste Generation|Management of Containers|On-Site Accumulation|Satellite Accumulation|Emergency Preparedness|Transportation|The Manifest|Conclusion
Course Description
This Video On Demand explains the characteristics of hazardous wastes, and how properly to dispose of them to protect yourself and the environment. Use of appropriate personal protective equipment is discussed. Labeling of appropriate types of storage vessels or containers of hazardous waste is covered, along with proper closing and sealing of these containers. This video spells out the time and weight limitations of accumulated hazardous wastes by small generators, and the storage and inspection procedures. Viewers learn about the need to have an emergency preparedness plan and an on-site emergency coordinator. Transporting hazardous wastes to designated facilities is highlighted, including providing a uniform hazardous waste manifest during transportation. This course is appropriate for all employees who work with hazardous waste.